Decarbonization Metrics for Real Estate Investment

Decarbonization Metrics for Real Estate Investment

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Jim Landau Giuls Kunkel
APR 02, 2024
Decarbonization Metrics for Real Estate Investment
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Key Takeaways

  • Decarbonization Strategies Require a Nuanced Understanding of Reduction Metrics: Both absolute and intensity-based measurement methodologies hold advantages and limitations.
  • Methods for Measuring: Absolute metrics capture total emissions reduced, and Intensity metrics use emissions per square foot or emissions per dollar of investment.
  • Strategies in Practice: Through scenario modeling, we illustrate how business practices and portfolio changes can impact emissions reduction outcomes, highlighting the need for a nuanced understanding of these metrics.
  • Beyond Metrics—Commitment to Change: We emphasize that while tracking toward targets is important, the key to driving impact lies in an organization’s comprehensive approach toward integrating decarbonization strategies into regular business practices.