Fishtailing into the
Next Recession

Tani Fukui
SEP 26, 2022

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What will the next recession look like? Each past recession has had its own characteristics: borrowing from Tolstoy, every recession makes us unhappy in its own way. We, of course, don’t know exactly how the next recession will make us unhappy, but we can take some hints both from history and from the current state of the economy.

Looking back at prior recessions, each had its distinct features. The 1990 recession came during a time of relatively high unemployment (even pre-recession, unemployment was at 5%) and was marked throughout by labor market weakness. Its post-recession period was the first to be called a jobless recovery. The 2001 recession, mild in many respects, was notable for stock market declines (the bursting of the dot-com bubble). The 2008 financial crisis was marked by a long and slow recovery, as well as the losses in the housing market.Obviously, the pandemic recession was particularly unique with massive and shocking upheaval to just about every aspect of the economy.