Insurance Insights | Relative Value & Tactical Asset Allocation – Q4 2022

Jun Jiang
SEP 30, 2022

We recommend

Fishtailing into the Next Recession

Excess Savings and the Consumer

Key Takeaways

  • The key economic and market themes remain downbeat. We continue to prefer up-in-quality credits and underweight risky assets.
  • Global economic growth could continue to slow over the next several months.
  • U.S. 10-year yield and inflation are likely to have peaked, which could result in a fully inverted yield curve. A short, sharp recession is likely in the mid-to-late next year.
  • Unsustainable home price and rent increases relative to income, higher mortgage rates, and extreme low affordability suggest a housing slowdown.
  • The credit cycle is aging fast given tightening lending standards, slowing profit growth, and margin pressures. Credit spreads are trending wider.
  • Private asset spreads have moderated a bit in the last quarter but remain rich relative to public assets in general.