Portfolio Trading Improves Liquidity in the Bond Market Through Several Mechanisms:
Aggregation of Liquidity: Portfolio trading allows for the simultaneous execution of multiple bonds, effectively aggregating liquidity across different issues. This is particularly beneficial for less liquid bonds that might be challenging to trade individually.
Speed of Execution: By executing large baskets of bonds in a single transaction, portfolio trading reduces the time to transact that would occur if these bonds were traded separately. This is especially valuable for institutional investors managing large portfolios who now have the ability to efficiently reposition portfolios either adding or reducing risk almost instantaneously.
Improved Price Discovery: The ability to trade multiple bonds at once enhances price discovery across the market. Traders can more easily identify relative value opportunities and arbitrage between different bonds, leading to more efficient pricing.
Increased Trading Volumes: Portfolio trading facilitates larger trade sizes, which can increase overall trading volumes in the bond market. This increased activity can attract more participants, further enhancing liquidity.
The increased trading volumes has also translated to more individual CUSIPs trading, with the number of issues not traded on steady decline. The percent of bonds outstanding that have not traded has declined to 10 basis points from 70 basis points in 2018 – an 85% decline in just over 5 years. Looking back even further to 2013, it’s declined 97% from the highs of 2.90% of outstandings not traded.

As a testament to the importance and continued growth of portfolio trading (PT), on May 15, 2023, FINRA instituted a requirement for dealers to report their portfolio trade transactions to TRACE along with implementing a flag to denote ‘Portfolio Trade’. This new flag bolsters transparency in the market and has provided another tool to help analyze developments in fixed income markets through more transparent execution. For example, in April 2024 PT volumes reached $110bn which represented nearly 14% of total TRACE volume, also the highest PT market share since the reporting has been in place. In our view, this underscores the theme that the market is growing more comfortable with the evolution of electronic fixed income trading.

In practice, we find ourselves participating in the uptick of portfolio trading along with the industry. Depending on market conditions, portfolio trading can often provide an efficient method for funding new portfolios from cash. An even more cost effective application of portfolio trading is transitioning portfolios that are funded in-kind with corporate bonds. For example, we have found that executing a bi-directional portfolio trade has the potential to reduce transaction costs given the net notional risk to the dealer is de-minimis. For less liquid securities, we have often found that including these securities on a portfolio trade with more liquid issues results in improved pricing. In a similar vein, we also may find ourselves as an opportunistic acquirer of securities which have may been mispriced through a PT. The use cases for portfolio trading are diverse, and at MIM, we deeply value our trader’s acumen, relationships, and ability to quickly identify and react to these potentially mispriced or stranded securities for the benefit of our clients’ portfolios.
The integration of portfolio trading with traditional fixed income over-the-counter investing represents a significant opportunity for asset managers to efficiently maneuver risk, while simultaneously providing another tool to enhance liquidity. While challenges remain, particularly around data quality, standardization and pricing distortions - the synergies between these areas are likely to drive innovation in both trading technology and portfolio management practices. Asset managers who can effectively leverage portfolio trading capabilities to implement investing strategies will be well-positioned to meet the growing demand for avenues to generate alpha in the fixed income space. As this integration continues to evolve, it will be crucial for market participants to stay informed about technological advancements, regulatory developments, and best practices in innovative portfolio construction and trading.
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This document has been prepared by MetLife Investment Management (“MIM”)1 solely for informational purposes and does not constitute a recommendation regarding any investments or the provision of any investment advice, or constitute or form part of any advertisement of, offer for sale or subscription of, solicitation or invitation of any offer or recommendation to purchase or subscribe for any securities or investment advisory services. The views expressed herein are solely those of MIM and do not necessarily reflect, nor are they necessarily consistent with, the views held by, or the forecasts utilized by, the entities within the MetLife enterprise that provide insurance products, annuities and employee benefit programs. The information and opinions presented or contained in this document are provided as of the date it was written. It should be understood that subsequent developments may materially affect the information contained in this document, which none of MIM, its affiliates, advisors or representatives are under an obligation to update, revise or affirm. It is not MIM’s intention to provide, and you may not rely on this document as providing, a recommendation with respect to any particular investment strategy or investment. Affiliates of MIM may perform services for, solicit business from, hold long or short positions in, or otherwise be interested in the investments (including derivatives) of any company mentioned herein. This document may contain forward-looking statements, as well as predictions, projections and forecasts of the economy or economic trends of the markets, which are not necessarily indicative of the future. Any or all forward-looking statements, as well as those included in any other material discussed at the presentation, may turn out to be wrong.
All investments involve risks including the potential for loss of principle and past performance does not guarantee similar future results. Property is a specialist sector that may be less liquid and produce more volatile performance than an investment in other investment sectors. The value of capital and income will fluctuate as property values and rental income rise and fall. The valuation of property is generally a matter of the valuers’ opinion rather than fact. The amount raised when a property is sold may be less than the valuation. Furthermore, certain investments in mortgages, real estate or non-publicly traded securities and private debt instruments have a limited number of potential purchasers and sellers. This factor may have the effect of limiting the availability of these investments for purchase and may also limit the ability to sell such investments at their fair market value in response to changes in the economy or the financial markets.
In the U.S. this document is communicated by MetLife Investment Management, LLC (MIM, LLC), a U.S. Securities Exchange Commission registered investment adviser. MIM, LLC is a subsidiary of MetLife, Inc. and part of MetLife Investment Management. Registration with the SEC does not imply a certain level of skill or that the SEC has endorsed the investment advisor.
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1 MetLife Investment Management (“MIM”) is MetLife, Inc.’s institutional management business and the marketing name for subsidiaries of MetLife that provide investment management services to MetLife’s general account, separate accounts and/ or unaffiliated/ third party investors, including: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, MetLife Investment Management, LLC, MetLife Investment Management Limited, MetLife Investments Limited, MetLife Investments Asia Limited, MetLife Latin America Asesorias e Inversiones Limitada, MetLife Investment Management Japan, Ltd. and MIM I LLC, MetLife Investment Management Europe Limited and Affirmative Investment Management Partners Limited.