Fixed Income

Investment Goal

We seek to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns through a fully integrated team approach that leverages proprietary fundamental research and active trading.

Investment Approach

For over 20 years we have followed a guiding philosophy that while fixed income markets are generally efficient, opportunities often arise from the mispricing of securities that are exposed to credit, prepayment, and/or liquidity risk.
$324.2 Bn1
Fixed Income AUM
$83.2 Bn2
Fixed Income strategy assets

 Deep experience. Extensive team.

Related Strategies



$8.9 Bn



Available Vehicles

Focused on fundamental credit research and bottom-up portfolio construction.


$37.9 Bn



Available Vehicles

Focused on highly customized strategies seeking to outperform the long maturity U.S. bond market.


$5.6 Bn



Available Vehicles

While the macro environment constantly changes, our philosophy to generating alpha remains the same: remaining neutral on duration, avoiding interest rate bets, and employing rigorous bottom-up analysis to identify undervalued credits.


$2.8 Bn



Available Vehicles

Our strategies seek to outperform their benchmarks by investing primarily in U.S. corporate bonds and leveraged loans rated below investment grade. Portfolios are constructed primarily through a proprietary bottom-up process that prioritizes capital.


$5.1 Bn



Available Vehicles

Focused on producing attractive risk-adjusted returns over the long term through country and corporate issuer selection.


$14.3 Bn



Available Vehicles

We utilize a top-down process that seeks to preserve principal while generating higher returns than money market funds. This is accomplished through building a yield advantage over the benchmark by over-weighting allocations to investment grade spread sectors and actively managing those exposures throughout the cycle.
Leadership Team
Fixed Income
We pride ourselves on a stable team structure where portfolio managers, research analysts, and traders have direct input into portfolio construction.

Get in touch with a MetLife Investment Management professional

As of September 30, 2024. At estimated fair value. Includes all Fixed Income assets managed by MIM.

2 As of September 30, 2024. At estimated fair value. Includes all assets managed by MIM in MIM's fixed income third-party strategies (including assets managed in the fixed income investment strategies show above and certain other MIM fixed income investment strategies).

3 Inception date shown represents the earlies inception date of individual strategies. Other strategies have later inception dates.

4 As of September 30, 2024. At estimated fair value.

5 This does not include the AUM of the strategies we acquired from Mesirow Institutional Investment Management, Inc. on February 28, 2025. Strategy assets under management acquired from Mesirow will not be shown on our website until we post our March 31, 2025 assets under management as we only plan on reporting assets under management on a quarterly basis.

Investors should carefully consider their investment objectives, risks, fees, charges and expenses before investing any money. To obtain this and other information, please email to request more information. Please review the Terms of Use of this site for additional details.

This does not include the AUM of the strategies we acquired from Mesirow Institutional Investment Management, Inc. on February 28, 2025. Strategy assets under management acquired from Mesirow will not be shown on our website until we post our March 31, 2025 assets under management as we only plan on reporting assets under management on a quarterly basis.